Rhythmic Gymnastics Apparatus
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Rhythmic Gymnasts compete on a floor area of 13 metres square, to musical accompaniment. Harmony between the gymnast, the apparatus and the music as well as required difficulties are necessary to achieve a balanced composition.
The following apparatus are used in Rhythmic Gymnastics:
The rope is made of hemp or other synthetic material. Its length is proportional to the gymnast’s height. Rope is a very dynamic apparatus requiring explosive jumping and leaps, agility and coordination. Routines with rope are made up of many jumps and leaps, skips and hops. Rotations, skipping, passing over or through, as well as small releases of the rope are fundamental movements of the apparatus.
The ball is made of rubber or plastic, weighs 400 grams and is approximately 18-20cm in diameter. Ball is traditionally more elegant and lyrical that the other apparatus. Movement of the ball require control and precision to be flowing and seamless; the gymnast and the ball should move in perfect harmony. Rolling and bouncing the ball on the body and ground are common and required, as well as large figure eight movement of the ball and body.
The clubs are made of plastic or rubber and weigh approximately 150 grams each. Clubs routines require exceptional hand eye coordination, psychomotor skills and clockwork precision by the gymnast. Mills, small circles, large throws, small flicks as well as asymmetric movements of the clubs are characteristic of the clubs routine.
Made up of a fibreglass stick and 6 meter long silk/satin (or similar) ribbon. Possibly the most spectacular and beautiful of all apparatus the ribbon was first introduced to the Rhythmic programme in 1971. The ribbon is long and light and through the dexterity the gymnast used to create designs in space. Snakes, spirals, passing through or over the shape of the ribbon are essential components of the ribbon routine.
The hoop is made of plastic, weighs a minimum of 300 grams and has an interior diameter of approximately 80-90cm to suit the height of the gymnast. The hoop offers arguably the greatest variety in movement styles of all apparatus; both strong, powerful as well as delicate, soft movements are possible and suited to the hoop. Routines with hoop incorporate rolling of the hoop along the ground and on the body, rotating the hoop along its diameter and around its axis, as well as passing through or over the hoop.